The Hindu Mahasabha had promised to marry couples on V-Day if they saw any two people holding hands, cooing or even existing on 14th February. But when interested partners arrived outside the Mahasabha’s office dressed in wedding gear and fully equipped with Mehendi cones, musical instruments, wedding props and of course band baaja, they were left high and dry. The Mahasabha refused to come out except one Swami Omji who ordered around the police and threatened to kill Arvind Kejriwal. The Mahasabha hid behind the Delhi Police who in turn eloped with three buses full of protesters. The protesters were detained under Section 65 for about five hours. However, inside the Parliament Street police station too the wedding ceremonies, right from Mehendi to Sangeet and then the actual exchange of Varmalaswent on in full energy.
Without wasting much time, we present you the chronology of the event starting from 12 PM when the protest started to 5.30 PM when the protesters were let off one picture at a time.
Students from SFI, JNU marching towards Mandir Marg.
Protesters met with barricades and a resisting police protecting the Mahasabha.
Protesters shouting slogans of freedom outside the Hindu Mahasabha.
Police started detaining peaceful protesters from outside the Mahasabha’s office at 12.30.
Swami Omji who was ordering around the police to arrest the protesters claims to have Mahatma Gandhi killed by the Mahasabha and threatens to kill Arvind Kejriwal. Link:
First bus of detainees being sent to the Parliament Street Police Station.
Protesters dancing, singing, making merry at Mandir Marg.
Peaceful protesters standing with posters at Mandir Marg.
And some more posters.
Second bus of detainees being sent to the police station. More followed.
Inside the bus: protesters shouting slogans and singing songs.
Outside the Parliament Street police station where we were welcomed with amusement from the cops!
Inside the police station: nach gaana is on.
Some even came with shaadi props!
And the Mehendi ceremony starts..yes all inside the police station!
The Parliament Street station’s compound was not big enough for the odd 200-300 of us when we joined hands and made a circle.
With folk songs and cultural dances this Sangeet ceremony was no less.
More singing and dancing… We were not given any tea or food and the water in the water tank also ran out but this didn’t waiver our energy and enthusiasm.
The cops watch us in awe and amusement and enjoy the free entertainment provided.
At 5.30 we were let off and were welcomed by other protesters who have been patiently waiting outside the police station.
Also read: 5 Real Reasons Why The Right Wing Hates Valentine’s Day
Photo Credits: All photographs were taken by Japleen Pasricha for Feminism In India.
Japleen smashes the patriarchy for a living! She is the founder-CEO of Feminism in India, an award-winning digital, bilingual, intersectional feminist media platform. She is also an Acumen Fellow, a TEDx speaker and a UN World Summit Young Innovator. Japleen likes to garden, travel, swim and cycle.