HealthSex & Sexuality #WomenAreCumming: 7 Quotes On Female Masturbation

#WomenAreCumming: 7 Quotes On Female Masturbation

Female masturbation is normal and it's time we do away with the stigma. The clitoris solely exists for sexual pleasure and has around 12000 nerve endings. Many women do not know where the clitoris is or what it does, let alone touching it, playing with it or rubbing it.

Women don’t masturbate. Or so the myth goes. For most part of their lives, women grow up believing this. This myth is created and sustained on the premise that women don’t have desires independent of men. Secondly, a woman touching herself is ‘immoral.’ And third, only a man is capable of and should be involved in satiating a woman. Masturbation gives a sense of autonomy to the woman over her body and a better understanding of what gives her utmost pleasure.

Also read: What Are The Taboos Concerning Female Sexuality?

Female masturbation is normal and it’s time we do away with the stigma. The clitoris solely exists for sexual pleasure and has around 12000 nerve endings. Many women do not know where the clitoris is or what it does, let alone touching it, playing with it or rubbing it. Masturbation is still considered dirty. Why is self-pleasure looked down-upon and controlled in the case of women. We know many African communities and the Dawoodi Bohra community in India practice female genital cutting so that women don’t get promiscuous and (rightfully) demand sexual pleasure.

Dildos, vibrators and sex enhancing pleasure toys are some options that women can use to indulge in self-love and pleasure. However, having access to them is again a problem in India. A country where till now sanitary pads are sold in black poly bags and carried with shame, a new app called Happy Play Time provides a sex education game whose aim is to eliminate the stigma around female masturbation.

“Loving your vagina, in every way, is not a sin. No more shame, no more secrets. Happy is on a mission: to free the world from a silly social stigma.”

On International Masturbation Day, we talk about masturbation through these wonderful quotes on female masturbation. Don’t forget to join us for the tweet-chat on May 7 at 12 p.m. IST on the whys, hows and whats of female masturbation. Hope you cum.

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Also read: Sex Positivity As A Response To Moral Policing Of Women’s Sexuality

About the author(s)

Feminism In India is an award-winning digital intersectional feminist media organisation to learn, educate and develop a feminist sensibility and unravel the F-word among the youth in India.

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