Queer Azaadi Mumbai organised the Mumbai Pride March in the city on Saturday, 3rd February this year. The theme of the tenth pride parade was ‘Section 377 Quit India’, calling for the abolition of the archaic law which criminalises sex “against the order of nature“. Shouting slogans, cheering, dancing and singing, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies marched from and back to the August Kranti Maidan, going on the same route that Queer Azaadi March has been following since 2013.
Also read: In Photos: 10th Delhi Queer Pride 2017 Amidst Smog And Haze
All photos courtesy Shrishti Malhotra
About the author(s)
Shrishti is a student of Media and Cultural Studies. Long rants with female friends help her channelize rage on the world around. Good food, pretentious poetry and cute canines provide her endless pleasure.