IntersectionalityLGBTQIA+ 4 LBT Organisations In India We Should Know About

4 LBT Organisations In India We Should Know About

Let's a look at four LBT organisations that work for the betterment of LBT people since, alongside rampant sexism and misogyny, they belong to the marginalised lgbtqia+ community.

LBT is an acronym for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (female to male) people who were assigned female at birth. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at four LBT organisations that work for the betterment of LBT people since, alongside rampant sexism and misogyny, they belong to the marginalised lgbtqia+ community.

1. Sangini (India) Trust

Image Credit: Sangini Twitter

Based in Delhi, Sangini is a non-profit organization that works on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. It is the oldest NGO, set up in 1997 in India under the Naz Foundation (India), for LBT folk who were assigned female at birth.

They provide counselling services for women struggling with their sexual/gender orientation via helpline, email, online, or face to face sessions; emergency action by defending the rights of women facing violence because of their sexual/gender orientation, also providing training on LBT rights; and creating a referral of LBT- friendly services regarding health, lawyers and so on.

Sangini Helpline: +91 97 17 677 152 (Tuesdays and Fridays, 6 to 8 PM)

2. Nazariya: A Queer Feminist Resource Group

Image Credit: Nazariya Facebook

Nazariya was formed in October 2014 in Delhi by a group of queer feminists, who wanted to put a special emphasis on issues on LBT people assigned female at birth. They work towards affirming the rights of LBT people by making them more visible by conducting workshops/seminars in colleges, providing help via case works to LBT people to counter family and other kinds of violence they face, and face to face counselling or via phone.

Nazariya Helpline: +91 7291012585 (Monday to Friday, 11 AM – 6 PM)

Also Read: A Handy Guide To House Hunting For LBT People

3. Sappho for Equality

Image Credit: Queer India Support

Established in Kolkata in October 2003, Sappho for Equality is the only registered organisation in Eastern India working for sexually marginalized women and trans men. They work towards a society where the rights of sexual minorities are guaranteed and where sexuality-based discrimination does not occur.

They provide the following services:

Drop-in Facilities: The Chetana Resource Center acts as the drop-in centre for members and people new to the community who want to address their concerns or be introduced to the organisation. The drop-in centre acts as a safe space for any community member who wants to share and interact with other members, who lend out psychological and emotional support.

Helpline Service: Their helpline service, started even before the organization was registered in 2003, is 7×11 hour helpline that provides information as well as need-based tele-counselling catering to the entire country, as well as phone calls from abroad. It is one of the most sought-after sexuality helplines in India.

Counselling Services: This includes both psychiatric and peer counselling. Professional psychiatric help is available at the Chetana Resource Centre. The counselling service is for supporting LGBT individuals as well as their family and friends. To get an appointment call their helpline, which will be given below.

Peer counselling is a way for new members to interact with other members of the LBT community. In this process, the new member will feel more included and at ease at Sappho. To get an appointment, you need to call their helpline.

Library Facilities: Chetana, their Sexuality Resource Centre, has a reading room and reprographic facilities, as well as a rare collection of books and films on gender and sexuality.

Research and Internship Facilities: Sappho for Equality has been actively involved in academic discourse on gender and sexuality, since its inception. Students and research scholars from various backgrounds go to Sappho for their research work, dissertation, and internship, though they don’t provide financial assistance for internships.

Sappho for Equality
Chetana Resource Centre
21, Jogendra Garden (South)
Ground Floor, (Near Hindol Park),
Kolkata – 700 078
Phone: +91 33 2441 9995 (12 PM – 8 PM except Mondays)
Helpline: +91 98315 18320 (12 PM – 8 PM except Mondays)

4. Umang

Image Credit: Umang Facebook

Set up under The Humsafar Trust in 2010 and based in Mumbai, Umang is a dedicated support group for LBT people, addressing issues of sexuality, societal/family pressure, relationships, mental and other health concerns and a place to find support. They have monthly meetings, and weekly get-togethers and other bonding events.

They educate members on sex and sexuality by having workshops and have also organised sessions on breast cancer awareness. They also receive immediate crisis help from The Humsafar Trust. Umang also has an active helpline managed by Umang members trained by The Humsafar Trust.

Phone: +91 993 009 5856

This list isn’t an exhaustive list of all the organisations found within India, set up to help LGBTQ+ people, although what seems to be an almost exhaustive list can be found at Infosem, sorted region wise, alphabetically and also target group wise.
These organisations have been around for quite some time and due to this, they are making a dent in today’s socio-political climate.

Also Read: In Conversation With Nazariya, A Queer Feminist Resource Group

Featured Image Credit: E News Room

About the author(s)

Here and queer. Probably watching animal videos, and vine compilations.

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