STI, which stands for Sexually Transmitted Infections, usually spread through sexual contact (penetrative or non-penetrative) with an infected partner. Some STI like HIV can also spread through infected needles, receiving inflected blood during transfusions or from mother to child during pregnancy. Some of the most common STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, herpes, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). While some like chlamydia, herpes and syphilis are easily curable, HIV still has no known cure.
Symptoms of STI can show up on various parts of the body in the form of sores, rashes, scabs and the like. In many cases, infected people can be asymptomatic but still pass on the infection to their partner. Some viruses like the HIV can lay dormant in the body for years before finally becoming active and causing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In some bodies, it never activates at all. In such cases, one should get screened for STIs so that they can start care for themselves and avoid spreading the infection to someone else.
The only surefire way to not contract an STI is abstaining from all kinds of sexual activity. Since that idea is too far-fetched, there are ways one can have sex but still minimize the risk of getting infected.

One of the most important responsibilities of a sexually active person is to be a responsible sexual partner. Use the right kind of condoms and learn their proper use, select the right kind of lubricant, know what common STI symptoms look like and get screened if you think you might have come into contact with one and most importantly, encourage yourself and people around you to be honest about their sex lives. This does not mean that their sexual history should be known to everyone, but just that if there is anything that could pose a danger to their current partner, it is their responsibility to let their partner be aware of it.
Featured Image Source: Clue App
About the author(s)
Shatabdi is a second year student in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Madras. She loves the colour yellow, talking, and the eureka moments she gets once every few moons. Her interests lie in Sociology, Feminist studies, culture studies, and finding a potter's wheel she can convince her family to buy for her.
About two years ago I learnt about a successful HEPATITIS B Virus treatment from Herbal Health Point (w w w. herbalhealthpoint. c om). I was on the treatment for over 7 months and tested negative after I completed the treatment. Its almost unbelievable how the treatment alleviated the virus. I completed the treatment two years ago and still negative!