SocietyFamily Childhood, And Relationship With Parents And Family: Mood Of The Month, October 2020

Childhood, And Relationship With Parents And Family: Mood Of The Month, October 2020

For October 2020, FII is looking for article submissions on the topic of Childhood and Relationship With Parents and Family, to highlight the different experiences that we all have experienced in some form or the other in our birth or chosen families and have been negotiating with them everyday.

Family, popularly understood as one of the basic social units in society, have seen drastic changes in its definition, congregation and expression in the modern world. While traditional patriarchal notions around the microcosm would emphasise on male-domination, misogyny, sexism and a general abuse of hierarchies within the family—be it with respect to gender, age, caste, class—today, family as a unit is being actively redefined by challenging these same forms of oppression, which at some point was enforced as ‘given’ and essentialised as ‘natural’ or ‘normal’. 


Children and their individual agencies to assert their sexuality, gender and general life choices are being actively recognised by the broader society. This is not to claim that the traditional forms of violence and domination (and therefore, consequent subordination) within the family structure have discontinued. Many of us are still voluntarily or obligatorily a part of heteronormative and patriarchal households due to various social, financial or emotional liabilities. However, the need for a more open debate and discussion around our kins and their ties are being realised, rather than imposing the perception of ‘family as a sacred space’, as shown in those Sooraj Barjatya films of 90s India

Also read: What It’s Like Being The Only CAA-NRC Protester In My Family

For October 2020, FII is looking for article submissions on the topic of Childhood and Relationship With Parents and Family, to highlight the different experiences that we all have experienced in some form or the other in our birth or chosen families and have been negotiating with them everyday. 

Here are some possible pointers which might help you write your articles,

  • Intersectionality (Caste, Gender, Sexuality, Class, Ethnicity, Disability)
  • Ageing and Maturity/Immaturity
  • Violence At Home (Divorce, Domestic Violence, Gaslighting)
  • Love, Romance and Sexuality
  • Family and the State 
  • Religion and its impact 
  • Body and Dress Policing
  • Motherhood, Mother-Child, Father-Child relationships
  • Extended family and relationships forged with them
  • Work and labour within the family structure
  • Feminism: Learning and Unlearning
  • Law and Policy (Inheritance, Marriage, Divorce, Separation)
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Sexism and Misogyny In Our Families
  • Values, Ethics And Unlearning
  • Single Parenthood
  • Child Psychology 
  • Internalising Femininity and Masculinity and Gender Roles
  • New Families (Trans Families, Community Building)
  • Media Representation and Pop Culture

You can send us your submissions to This list is not exhaustive. Please feel free to write about other topics, which we might have missed listing. 

Also read: A Marxist-Feminist Reading Of Sexual Division of Labour In Family

We understand that some of you might be uncomfortable writing about your personal experiences. You can let us know in your submission mail whether you would want to remain Anonymous when we publish your articles.

About the author(s)

Feminism In India is an award-winning digital intersectional feminist media organisation to learn, educate and develop a feminist sensibility and unravel the F-word among the youth in India.

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