SocietyLaw & Policy Abortion Decision: Why Does Legislation Override The Choice Of Women?

Abortion Decision: Why Does Legislation Override The Choice Of Women?

Morally and physically, every woman should have the legal right to abort if she does not wish to continue with the pregnancy.

“When the penalty for rape is less than 
penalty for abortion after the rape, 
you know,
this isn’t about caring for women and girls,
it’s about controlling them.”

Amanda Gorman, A National Youth Poet Laureate, US (The Hill We Climb)  

A few years back in 2014, the news was out as, ‘A 24-year-old, Nepali migrant worker to Malaysia, Nirmala was sentenced to imprisonment of one year on the grounds of terminating in the sixth week of her pregnancy’. The case of Nirmala mounted high as it raised legitimate questions regarding the nature of a crime she committed at the time. 

Next, Kayden Coleman, a transgender man, has got a working uterus and could get pregnant. He didn’t know if a long-term hormonal therapy treatment could get him pregnant. Although he has got a kid now, he said he could get an abortion had he known earlier. It made him left out because of the abortion conversations and the Supreme Court decision of the US that overturned Roe vs Wade arguments that still haunt him. 

Morally and physically, every woman should have the legal right to abort if she does not wish to continue. When Roe extended women to right to access abortion, millions of woman’s lives were saved. There were also some who were unable to continue on the grounds of finance, sentiments and others, being desperate, also tried to abort themselves. This way, they were risking their bodies.

In 1973, Roe vs Wade was able to pass the safe abortion legal in the United States. In the year 1992, again, Roe backfired in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which stated that the states couldn’t place legal restrictions posing an undue burden ‘in the path of women seeking for an option of abortion of a nonviable fetus’.

The term viable means ‘outside the womb as a measure of when the “life” of the fetus is its own’. Recently, in the year 2022, both Roe and Casey are defeated, saying that abortions are now a subject of state laws and their system of regulations. 

According to the 2022 State of World Population report‘nearly half of all pregnancies worldwide are unintended, and over 60 per cent of these may end in abortion’. Abortion was always legalised ever since, and as a way to control the population, it was set free. And today, the right to abortion is again a legal subject which has taken down its own enshrined laws. 

Morally and physically, every woman should have the legal right to abort if she does not wish to continue. When Roe extended women to right to access abortion, millions of woman’s lives were saved. There were also some who were unable to continue on the grounds of finance, sentiments and others, being desperate, also tried to abort themselves. This way, they were risking their bodies. The principle of the United Nations for Human Rights is aligned with the sentimentality of women’s bodies. That if they want to abort a child whom they really do not want, it is not right to declare on their behalf. It is the matter of their right to the decision that falls on the right to choices. 

The principle of the United Nations for Human Rights is aligned with the sentimentality of women’s bodies. That if things to carry a child whom they really do not want to term is distressing women, it is not right to declare on their behalf. It is the matter of their right to the decision that falls on the right to choices. 

On May 25 2022, a teenage gunman killed at least 19 young children and two adults in an elementary school in Texas, US. This is not the first case to be heard. The same kind of case occurred in the past. The US’s supposed system to allow people to carry handguns and keep at least one gun for individual security has definitely misfired in the security process. Ironically, gun keeping for safety seems to be unsafe, and so does the principle of terminating a grown fetus if one is not willing to. 

Amnesty Global Campaign started with a quote, ‘My body, my right,’ which kind of made sure to stop the patriarchal control over women’s reproductive rights. Our individual decision as to what we want for our bodies is not a decision to be taken up by others, if not us.

After all, any changes in our bodies are something women have to endure by themselves, no matter what; biologically or socially, women should not be denied how they want their bodies to be treated. The essence of this article is not about taking the support of one and defying part of others. It is about conscious and logical decisions that are usually taken in favour of existing individuals. 

On the grounds of rape cases, the penalty varies from one state to another in the same country. In South Asia, a new report reveals that rape laws are insufficient, impractical, and poorly enforced. This clearly shows the legalisation process system where laws could have been strictly legalised to the perpetrators.

The consequence is that many young girls and women are left with illegitimate fetuses in their bellies, for which no money or sympathy could ever complement the pain the victims go through. If this is the case of rape, we can, on a serious note, make sure legal procedures legalise criminals and not the ones who are assaulted. 

In conclusion, the system of judiciary and legislation was made to practice to ensure freedom of human rights and peace. And if any time this gets violated, the power shall take place in action. The whole point of the argument is that the legal procedure of anything is ensured only when citizens are okay with it. And the accessibility of abortion decisions is neither with parliament papers nor with societal norms. As long as those who are able to get pregnant and feel right, the right must be granted. 

About the author(s)

Susmita Aryal is a final year student of English Literature and Journalism at St. Xavier's College, Maitighar, Kathmandu. Besides storytelling around identity, gender and society, she is interested in 'art' i.e. any kind of artworks that fall under the genre of art.

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