Studies in the field of gaming have shown significant development in the psychic of adolescents and children that keep transitioning from time to time.
One of the studies conducted in a school in Rawalpindi suggests student’s better cognitive functioning than the ones who don’t play.
By universal definition, cognition is a collective ability and method consisting of knowledge, working memory, attention, decision-making abilities and problem-solving skills. It is also existing knowledge which helps generate newer ideas.
Gaming whenever anyone views it imagines it usually from the mirror of man. The thriving industry of gaming worldwide, which accounts for 20 per cent contribution by India might double in the next 3 years.
Moreover, there are roles and work responsibilities which are established on individuals knowing their gender. Though, gender equality also refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of an individual based on their own choice, likings, and needs. It is also equally important to set an equitable distribution of space.

The development of social media and technological advancement also placed itself in an essential position by growing its users through free online games. This has also somewhat triggered the use of the console and mobile gaming for people from diverse gender.
Expert views, comments, and historical and cultural discussions around sports for women have been a forlorn discussion with no specific light at the tunnel’s end.
Social media has been successful so far in transgressing through gender disparity in different ways.
Also Read: Girl Gamers: Why Is GTA A ‘Real’ Game, But Candy Crush A ‘Time Pass’?
Difficult for gender minorities coming out of hammered gender roles
According to a report by Global Gaming Gender Balance Scorecard by 20-first, women own as high as 16 per cent of executive teams in the vast gaming arena.
Diving closer to the participation of women in the gaming industry, it is carefully noted that due to societal norms including cultural and historical impressions, it becomes difficult for gender minorities to come out of the hammered gender roles.
This also results in a lack of representation or to cultivate interest in areas that seem far reached an age that allows exploration concerning interest, quality and skills.
Research conducted in different countries found that children prefer learning through games instead of conventional methods like reading books or writing.
Video games have undeniably penetrated the lives of children where 97 per cent of the children are found to play games for at least 1 hour a day in the USA. It is also essential to see the market transaction and hype in economic growth exclusively due to the presence and extensive growth of gaming.
Also Read: Indie Video Games, Women Gamers and Feminism
Contrary to those, some other studies also show an increase in aggressive behaviour and isolation in children due to an increase in gaming habits.
Such studies and representation has been noticed in media and its addressing of gaming drawbacks leading to complete negligence of this industry.
Growing range of interest in technological advancement
Microsoft claims that Xbox titles like UNO, and ViVa pinata ought to be a success amongst the Indian market, especially women. Social gaming abilities in Xbox 360 gaming consoles are the main force of growth behind this.
Often considered as man’s game, sports and racing have touched the face of becoming gender neutral. Sony Computer Entertainment country head Atindriya Bose states, “With the market maturity, social and family games would target more women gamers and that would become mainstream.”
Several women gamers have also taken a fancied interest in cricket out of which almost 20 per cent of the gamers have shown drastic interest in online cricket games like

Zapak’s Ceo Rohit Sharma says his gaming site records one million hits every month, out of which 2000 gamers puzzles, makeovers, food, and cooking are some of the popular interests.
The growth rate of the gaming industry in India is expected to grow from 2.8$ billion in 2022 to 5$ billion in 2023 with a 28-30 per cent compound annual growth rate. The number of gamers is supposed to expand from 420 million, in 2022 to 450 million by 2023 hitting 500 million in 2025.
According to a report by OXFAM, women are paid 24 per cent less compared to men in the same position of the job.
This as a society also reflects the strong gender inequality which exists within different structures of society.
Leadership positions for women
Leadership position for women is equally necessary to bring close the possibility of navigating gender gaps in society. As much as such representation is required, it is also essential to understand what diversity are we looking for within the marginalised.
More representation of women within the gaming industry along with positions driving more open resources for women to access the field is equally essential. Having women in top position also inspires, and bring an inclusive environment and credibility to the organisation allowing more women to catch new opportunities.
India, which reigns with its diversity and also wears it as a pride on its sleeves, needs to rethink the kind of diversity which needs to be more attentive and requires more security and assurance legally, socially and culturally.
More representation of women within the gaming industry along with positions driving more open resources for women to access the field is equally essential. Having women in top position also inspires, and bring an inclusive environment and credibility to the organisation allowing more women to catch new opportunities.
Importance of policy arrangement
The gender gap isn’t going to change overnight. This change might require a comprehensive change in the system, policies, reflected and reworked plans, consideration of a diverse range of people in India both rural and urban and the conscious effort to bring and develop different prototypes of plans concerning the need.
Years of oppression and internalised domination won’t go away by offering jobs. A chain of years-long work might need to be implemented at the start to develop their skills, and build interest. Meanwhile, a much more flexible workspace understanding the need for diverse genders, challenges and a strengthened diversity and inclusion policy can be a good start.
Equally, raising funds to support studies on the benefits of gaming and its utilisation can also be helpful to disregard myths about the gaming industry.

Media representation can fast-forward the process by allowing more space to understand and report objectively on the industry. There is a high expectancy that media representation does impact the numbers be it in any country.
Whether be it politics, cinema, education or healthcare or any live coverage, media’s representation has historically proven to become a band of interaction between people and leaders. This kind of source can be used to break the existing myth through objective and sensitive reporting.
Gamers mostly break boundaries, cross borders and background and has curtailing dynamics of their own. Thus, the industry’s extreme ability to break such physical barriers can be used extensively in every cohort of countries. India ranks 135th in Global Gender Gap Report by World Economic Forum in 2022. It is still trailing behind countries like Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Also Read: Is Video Gaming Really Just A ‘Guy’s Thing’?
In current times, the expanding space allowing more exposure to all gender is a question which is raised by many. From the purview of growth, it does gives an idea that this massive industry is starting to participate in the race of social discourse with time. Racing across throwing in the peddle of gender, and gender roles, women are trying their best to achieve, garner and hone their skills.
However, to reinstate equal opportunities holistically, it is equally important to acknowledge certain changes are time taking, tedious and long but needed, important and essential.
About the author(s)
Ritwik is a northeastern Bahujan who has been a journalist for 2 years. He has also been a UN fellow for the year 2021-22. He has worked on several papers like writing about reportage in broadcast media on women impacted by floods in the northeast. He is currently working on queer representation in the regional press of Assam. Most of the work focused on gender, sexuality, intersectionality, climate change, marginalised and vulnerable communities and data journalism.
He has been a contributing writer at Youth ki Awaaz, Feminism in India and Swaddle for the last 4 years.