CultureArt & Poetry 9 Simple Yet Powerful Posters That Explain Feminism 101

9 Simple Yet Powerful Posters That Explain Feminism 101

Feminism 101: Feminism is not hating men. Feminism is not saying women are superior to men. Feminism is a battle against sexism of any kind.

Being a feminist, I have to listen to a lot flak about feminism in general. That is because people are woefully unaware about our purpose or what makes us tick. The assumptions are hurting us on the internet and in real life. I wanted to put the right notions out there. Our fight is for the good of all women, not a selective bunch.

Feminism is not hating men. Feminism is not saying women are superior to men. It is not just asking for the right to stay out late or be allowed to work, its struggle is much more deep. Feminism is a battle against sexism of any kind. As I see it, feminism is voicing out against biased behavior, thought and wrongful acts against humanity.

The following posters were made to disperse some common notions about feminism. Ignorance and incorrect information sets us back. Let’s get real. Let’s talk about what feminism 101 is really about, one poster at a time.

feminism poster 1

feminism poster1

feminism poster2

feminism poster3

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feminism poster 8

Disclaimer: These posters belong to Feminism in India and Shreyasi Bose collectively. Kindly do not copy without permission.

About the author(s)

Intersectional feminist. Atheist. Author. Poet. Fiction Junkie. Loves pissing off discriminatory people. Always up for a good book and black coffee.

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