HealthSex & Sexuality “Hello! I have 2tb of porn” Say #WomenWhoWatchPorn In A Tweetchat

“Hello! I have 2tb of porn” Say #WomenWhoWatchPorn In A Tweetchat

Given the recent ban on pornography in India and talks of women watching porn being an indignity, we thought of having a discussion on #WomenWhoWatchPorn on Twitter.

Given the recent ban on pornography in India and talks of women watching porn being an indignity, we thought of having a discussion on #WomenWhoWatchPorn on Twitter. To say the least, we found it highly interesting. We spoke of women with a porn collection, what kind of porn women watch and even how they watched their first porn. It was a refreshing discussion.

We asked, and a lot of women answered

And then the discussion turned inquisitive

We were happy when men joined in

And the inquisition continued. We discussed why men liked women on women porn and why women watch man on man porn. We just found out that sexual preferences are varied and sometimes you don’t need a reason.

We tried talking about masturbation too

A lot of women still don’t talk about masturbation or treat it like sin. Well, it’s not. Wake up and smell the feminist porn.

Then we asked how women watched their first porn

From where the discussion veered to female orgasms. We talked about how most women go through their lives not ever experiencing an orgasm and the need for education about clitoral and penetrative orgasms.

All in all, our discussion spanned various topics and we also found some interesting sites online. Check out the entire storified discussion. Maybe you’ll like what you find.

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About the author(s)

Feminism In India is an award-winning digital intersectional feminist media organisation to learn, educate and develop a feminist sensibility and unravel the F-word among the youth in India.

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