The Hyderabad Queer Swabhimana Yatra 2016 did not forget the political climate we are currently operating under. Apart from the calls for justice on sexual & gender minorities, the collective also gave equal attention to the ongoing struggles in our educational institutions. Their press statement read,
Hyderabad Queer Swabhimana Pride collective calls for justice and ending discrimination and violence against sexual and gender minorities and we also stand by the on-going struggle against caste discrimination in higher educational institutions and we oppose the crude violent attempt to muzzle people’s dissent by the right-wing state.
The Hyderabad Queer Swabhimana Pride Collective was true to its stand even in the way they organized the yatra and the events leading up to it. Having totally refused institutional funding, they crowdsourced funds with fundraising events.
With the mothers of queer kids leading the walk, the 2.5 km stretch was colourful and filled with dance & song through the whole distance. Have a look at these few pictures to give you a sense of how much energy there was despite the hot afternoon sun.
Disclaimer: All images belong to Feminism in India. Kindly do not use without permission.
About the author(s)
Swetha is a communications professional who dabbles in several things. A feminist, she initially started writing for FII and now is an all-round writer, thinker, planner and sometimes also a designer! She tweets @swethadandapani