Just this morning, we suddenly saw our timelines flooded with a poster from Colors/Viacom regarding the 50 Most Influential Women in media, marketing & advertising. However, there is one problem in the said poster which also listed their ’eminent jury’ – there was not one woman in the entire jury.
Apparently this is the fifth year that IMPACT is bringing out this list and they still have not nailed what equality & empowerment really means. There is absolutely no point in bringing out a token list year after year, when in reality the team is unwilling to change the patriarchal power structures in the field of media. We are quite sure there are several well-accomplished women, who could have been invited to be part of the jury (or just to make it easy, they could have chosen 9 women out of the previous 4 long lists?). The organizers or curators of this list just do not care enough to think they are important enough.
Here is the poster and we will let you be the judge.

Colors Viacom 50 Influential Women
Thanks to Prasanto K Roy, for sharing this on Facebook.
About the author(s)
Feminism In India is an award-winning digital intersectional feminist media organisation to learn, educate and develop a feminist sensibility and unravel the F-word among the youth in India.