SocietyNews Feminist News Wrap: Pinjra Tod Marches, Poland Abortion Ban and Dalit Solidarity Protests

Feminist News Wrap: Pinjra Tod Marches, Poland Abortion Ban and Dalit Solidarity Protests

Feminist news from around the country in a quick wrap!

Women’s Safety in India

Pinjra Tod conducted marches and protests all over Delhi against stringent hostel and PG rules and the safety and rights of women in the same.

The Gurgaon police is soon to launch an app which will aid in the protection of women in the area.

The Navi Mumbai police organized a seminar for its employees on the importance and protection of women safety, where an app which is used for contacting the police quickly, was taught.

Dalit Issues

The Justice Roopanwal Commission submitted a report that questioned the caste status of Rohith Vemula, and then proceeded to state that his suicide may be attributed to “personal frustrations.”

Dalit scholar Sunkanna Velpula refused to take his degree from Vice Chancellor Appa Rao Podile, in protest of the discriminatory mechanisms against Dalits employed by the University and Podile, and in solidarity with Rohith Vemula.

A 16 year old Dalit girl immolated herself in fear of harassment by an 18 year old; where he had threatened her and tried to coerce her into marrying him.

Poland Abortion Ban

After the abortion ban sparked protests all over Poland, policymakers re-introduced a session where the Parliament rejected the bill.

Paris Fashion Week

Dior presented a collection with a feminist message, for the first time at the Paris Fashion Week. Models walked the runway with shirts emblazoned with “We should all be feminists”, and some of the clothes were inspired by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.


Vandana Katariya will head the women’s hockey team which will play for the Asian Champions Trophy, coming end October.

The 10th Women’s India Open Golf tournament will be held in November, as announced by the Women’s Golf Association of India (WGAI).

What We’re Reading

How western brands conform to gender discriminatory norms in countries where they exist, and how it’s not helping the cause.

An artist weaves feminist embroidery.

Infamous website known for sexist, racist and degrading content on the verge of shutdown.

This Week in FII

Photo Essay on Durga, Gender and Sexuality

Leymah Gbowee: Video on the Power of young girls

11 Ways How Toxic Masculinity Hurts Men

BMMA Co-Founder Zakia Soman On The Need To Reform Muslim Personal Law

Fat Is Not The Worst You Could Call Me

About the author(s)

A firm believer in freedom, rights and equality. Happy to be offended and offer opinion on the lack of awareness of social issues. A student of assertion (and Liberal Arts); much prefer dancing to talking.

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