CultureBooks “Where Do Babies Come From?” – 5 Child-Friendly Books About Sex And Sexuality

“Where Do Babies Come From?” – 5 Child-Friendly Books About Sex And Sexuality

Some Indian writers have taken up the task of creating easy to read, yet comprehensive child-friendly books about sex and all the things that come with it.

Sex education is a vital yet underrepresented element of our current educational system. There are many barriers to providing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools ranging from policy constraints to a lack of awareness about the benefits that come from talking about sex, especially to growing children.

In order to work around these numerous issues, some Indian writers have taken up the task of creating easy to read, yet comprehensive child-friendly books about sex and all the things that come with it – such as the importance of consent, what is a safe touch, masturbation, etc.

It is important to note these books have come from a large vacuum of our educational framework. These child-friendly books are palatable for children of a young age, as well as parents, and will help them get their concepts clear before moving on towards more complex questions.

1. My Little Body book By Shruti Singhal

Image Credit: Zubaan

This book is directed at a younger audience and written with creative visuals which are not only easy to understand but informative as well. The book talks about the physical distinctions of the two sexes, while also distinguishing between good touches and bad touches – a topic hardly ever covered by school curriculums.

It helps the conversation about sex and sexuality flow between parents and children from a young age. This will help them keep themselves and others safe as they grow up in this world.

2. The Red Book: What you want to know about yourself 

Image Credit: Quora

This book by TARSHI is aimed at a slightly older audience. The book still lays down concepts in simple, uncomplicated terms. The book posits and answers simple questions like ‘What is menstruation?’, ‘What is oral sex?’ and ‘What is homosexuality?’ for which the answers are often hard for people to describe to children.

However, this book does it in the right tone with the right amount of information for children at that age group. Children will be able to get answers to questions they have always been curious about but never had the courage to talk about it because of the taboo that often surrounds such concepts.

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3. Menstrupedia Comic: The Friendly Guide To Periods For Girl by Aditi Gupta

Image Credit: Amazon

This comic is written with the aim of being relatable to girls going through the changes that come with menstruation and it does just that! It is in an easy to read format, which is a series of comic strips, without diluting any of the information being imparted.

It helps people understand what goes on in a woman’s body as she reaches sexual maturity and how it is a completely natural process – nothing awkward or unnatural about it.

4. The Yellow Book: A Parent’s Guide to Sexuality Education 

Image Credit: Flipkart

Another by TARSHI and Zubaan, this book is a little different than the others as it is meant for parents. While the book is simple and straightforward, it allows you to have those complicated conversations with your children (of any age) with a lot more ease.

Often children are more receptive when the conversation about the tricky ‘birds and the bees’ is coming from someone they trust. Moreover, it makes the whole concept of sex and sexuality far more real for them, knowing that they know someone who has gone through the process and turned out fine.

5. Body Talk: Real Girls Ask Real Questions about Love, Life and everything in between 

Image Credit: Amazon

This book by Anjali Wason and Amruta Patil is dedicated to young women across the subcontinent! It speaks about the joys and perils that come with growing up.

It is illustrated beautifully and addresses the variety of topics that young adults find strange to ask their friends or family. From how to put on a condom to masturbation, the pages of this book encompass all sorts of topics without the awkwardness that usually comes with them.

Also Read: Meet The Woman Behind The Children’s Book ‘My Chacha Is Gay’

This list is by no means comprehensive or representative list. Suggestions to add to this list are welcome in the comments section.

Featured Image Credit: Family Matters Switzerland

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I like reading and running away from Facebook arguments that make no sense.

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