Author: Baby Halder
Publisher: First published by Zubaan and Penguin Books India in 2006, followed by Zubaan independently in 2013.
Genre: Non-fiction
A Life Less Ordinary is the English translation of Baby Halder’s autobiography, originally written in Bengali titled, Aalo Andhari. The English translation has been rendered by Urvashi Butalia who also happens to be the publisher.

The book came into being after Baby’s employer,
The book begins on an idyllic note – Baby describing her childhood in Jammu and Kashmir, and later at Darjeeling, and both congruently happy and carefree. However, trouble brews when her Baba takes the family to Murshidabad and leaves them at her Jetha’s place. Her Baba sends money back home at sporadic intervals, making it difficult for the family to make ends meet. However, despite the testing times, her parents, especially her mother, are pro-education.
Unable to keep up with the long absence of her husband and the scarce money supply, Baby’s mother leaves the children and vanishes along with her youngest baby son. The family is unable to track her down. With her mother disappearing, her Baba marries twice, leaving the other wife for the third. And it is with the absence of the mother that life becomes a series of unfortunate events for Baby.
Baby’s accounts reflect the condition of women at its rawest. With much poignancy, Baby pronounces the malady that ails the Indian society at large. A woman’s intention and desire are controlled by a paternal order. There exists no free will for her. She is not a person of her own accord. Her mother’s act of leaving her Baba, makes Baby compare her mother to the warrior queen Rani Laxmi Bai. But she is quick to dismiss this comparison because to her, her mother’s vanishing act oscillates between bravery and cowardice – she left because she wanted to be free from the grim condition of her home, but she leaves behind her three children, avoiding responsibility.
Throughout the book, Baby recounts instances where women are subjected to physical and sexual assaults. She herself is married off at the tender age of 12 to a man fourteen years her senior. She describes quite vividly the assaults she faced at the hands of her husband – from being dragged by her hair to being hit by a stone. She also narrates instances where her husband, out of jealousy, does not allow her the freedom to move around.
The anxiety around women, their movements and their interactions is something that other men share with Baby’s husband, Shankar. Baby’s older sister, Rani is asphyxiated by her husband, her neighbour is burnt to death by her inebriated husband because she is caught watching television in somebody else’s house. Baby is warned against visiting a neighbour in particular because she is estranged from her husband. The women have to negotiate with the predatory gaze of
She realises early on that if she cared and worried about what people will say, she will forever be shackled and weighed down by patriarchy.
Witch doctors (
Baby is aware of her predicament – there are instances where she is weighed down by circumstances but there are also instances where she braves the odds and defines herself. In a fresh take, her in-laws’ place is a welcoming space for her. She is treated as ‘a daughter and not as a daughter-in-law.’ However, she cannot stay there forever and has to return to her husband. To escape the final drudgery, she starts taking tuitions but even this comes to a stop due to regular violent domestic eruptions at home.
In hindsight, Baby recollects how close she had come to
With much grit and determination, Baby takes destiny into her own hands and travels to Faridabad to her older brother. She finds employment as domestic help but casteism soon makes its ugly appearance, where her employer snidely remarks how a neighbour can hold Baby’s daughter but not her child. Baby remarks that poverty doesn’t disqualify one from being touched. She recounts another terrible story while being employed as domestic help, wherein the pet dog gave her more respect than her employer.
She finds employment as domestic help but casteism soon makes its ugly appearance
It is only when Baby finally finds employment at
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Baby’s life narrative is peppered with moments of awe-inspiring moments. Her decision to get a tubectomy and her retort to the doctor that she is educated enough to not need ‘permission’ from her husband
Through the act of reading and writing, Baby liberates herself from sexual and caste stigmatisation, and is able to redefine her own being, her own self-representation – not as how she is perceived by others but how she perceives herself to be. Her latent literary spirit is given wings by her mentor and employer, and there has been no looking back for her. She has already authored two more books, the translations of which are awaited in English.
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Her autobiography serves as a testimony to the grim situation of so many women whose voices and words remain unheard and unread, whose sufferings are undocumented, whose childhood and innocence are cut short because they are expected to fulfil and conform to archaic rigid roles that systematically subjugate them to the higher authority of men.
Featured Image Source: Hindustan Times
About the author(s)
Sonakshi is currently pursuing her post graduation in English from Delhi University. A keen flaneur, she loves to read, and takes a keen interest in art and culture. She hopes to conquer world literature, and be a writer one day.