SocietyPolitics BJP’s Furore Over The Congress Manifesto: Will The Government Take Away Your Wealth?

BJP’s Furore Over The Congress Manifesto: Will The Government Take Away Your Wealth?

It is important to note that nowhere in the Congress manifesto does it say that wealth would be redistributed by raiding houses and ornaments would be looted.

On 21st April, the honourable Prime Minister of India said that the urban naxal mindset of the Congress ‘will not even leave your (mothers’ and sisters’) “mangal sutra”. They can go to that level.’ He said this addressing thousands of people in Rajasthan’s Banswara.

On 21st April, the honourable Prime Minister of India said that the urban naxal mindset of the Congress ‘will not even leave your (mothers’ and sisters’) “mangal sutra”. They can go to that level.’

This comment created an uproar in the public and the ripples could be felt in the political gullies of India. Congress immediately jumped to defence while the ruling party maintained its tone and tanner. The allegation was claimed to have been made after deciphering Nyay Patra, the Congress manifesto.

Source: Al Jazeera

Modi continued in the same vein and claimed on 3rd May, ‘If you have two buffaloes and want to leave them for your children, one will be taken away by the government if the Congress is voted to power.

These desperate claims are a clear insight into the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and the intellectual dearth they have reached. With no conversation about employment or education, it has only steered towards fear-mongering and strengthening the “us versus them” debate. The maligning comments at this crucial juncture are stoked by Sam Pitroda’s comments on the Inheritance Tax.

What did Sam Pitroda say?

Sam Pitroda is convinced that the Inheritance Tax is necessary in the US. He explains if a man has earned 100 million USD in his lifetime, after his death 45% of his wealth would go to his children and the rest 55% would be given to the public. He highlights how it is essential in the development of a nation.

A comment about the US sparked a row in India. The ruling party was quick to manufacture this harmless opinion into a scandalous row. Pitroda soon came to the defence and explained how ‘this doesn’t mean that you are going to take your wealth and give it to somebody. This means to create new policies so that the concentration of wealth can be prevented. It’s like a Monopoly Act.’

Source: Indtoday News

Pitroda’s suggestion of wealth distribution is a policy change that could redefine minimum wage and give dignity of work to those we neglect, like our drivers, plumbers, carpenters, house helps etc. The policy change is utopian, and Pitroda is adding his two bits. 

The Congress Party’s defence

The Congress party has carefully distanced itself from Pitroda’s statement. Jairam Ramesh said, ‘Sam Pitroda has been a mentor… This does not mean that Mr. Pitroda’s views always reflect the position of the India National Congress. Many time they do not.’ Continuing the damage control, he added ‘Sensationalising his comments now and tearing them out of context are deliberate and desperate attempts at diverting attention away from Mr. Narendra Modi’s malicious and mischievous election campaign.’

Adding to Pitroda’s thoughts, Pawan Khera echoed, ‘Seventy per cent wealth of the country is in the hands of just 22 people…This is why we need social justice.

Congress has continuously been resounding the need for social justice and authentic data in the country.

Congress has continuously been resounding the need for social justice and authentic data in the country. From roadshows to rallies to the manifesto, Congress has given special emphasis to social justice and the need to realise how resources are distributed unequally. While stalwart leaders like Amit Shah negate all such discussions as the Congress Party’s ‘hidden plans’ that ‘have come out in the open.

Source: Business Standard

The insinuation of Congress leaders’ Maoist ideology and their intention to “rob” the public and distribute their wealth is baseless and naïve. Policy changes are crucial decisions to be discussed in much detail. BJP leaders are not only misleading the public but mocking a public document and forging a false narrative.

What does the Congress manifesto say?

The BJP has targeted all its ammunition to discredit Congress’ manifesto and establish how they would take wealth from people and give it to a community. The Congress denies all such allegations. The Prime Minister Modi said, ‘This is what the Congress manifesto says. They will take stock of the gold that (our) mothers and sisters have, they will count and assess it, and then they will distribute that wealth, and they will give it to those people who have more children. Dr Manmohan Singh’s government had said that Muslims have the first right to the nation’s wealth.’

Source: Feminism in India on YouTube

Nyay Patra, the Congress Manifesto talks about a need to renegotiate the terms of wealth distribution in India, but it is not remotely the same as what the ruling party has been advertising. The manifesto says that ‘the Congress will conduct a nationwide Socio-Economic and Caste Census to enumerate the castes and sub-castes and their socio-economic conditions. Based on the data, we will strengthen the agenda for affirmative action.’

In another point, the manifesto clears, ‘the economic empowerment of minorities is a necessary step for India to realise its full potential. We will ensure that banks provide institutional credit to minorities without discrimination.

Rahul Gandhi’s assertions

Rahul Gandhi has been instrumental in re-iterating the basics of the Congress manifesto to the public. He has been asserting the need for a caste-census time and time again. While speaking in public, he called the census an ‘X-ray’ of India that would aid policy making. He says the census is crucial because it would unveil the growing wealth inequality.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addresses a press conference during the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Srinagar on January 23, 2023. | Photo Credit: Nissar Ahmad. Source: The Hindu.

Congress is proposing that under its governance, the welfare of the poor will be the first charge on all government resources. In India, says Rahul Gandhi, nearly 22 crore people who are poor need to be uplifted through serious policy introspection.

While Gandhi maintains that the policy needs changes and wealth needs to be distributed so that social justice prevails, Modi doubts his intentions. He says, ‘The wealth you (the public) accumulate with your hard work won’t be passed down to your children. The Congress’ mantra is ‘loot during your lifetime, loot after your death.’

Wealth redistribution and social inequality

Rahul Gandhi reiterates the need for a caste census at every public meeting. He claims that the caste census would clearly show the increasing gap between the rich and the poor. The social injustice that has seeped deep into our social fabric can be treated only if we understand the depth of the problem.

Wealth distribution does not mean that wealth would be taken from one person and given to a specific community, it just means that the resources and opportunities would be equally distributed.

Wealth distribution does not mean that wealth would be taken from one person and given to a specific community, it just means that the resources and opportunities would be equally distributed. He specifies that social welfare schemes must be directed at the section of the society that is most in need.

A fact check of the Congress manifesto

While the ruling party’s failure to conduct a census in their tenure launched a scathing attack at the opposition’s suggestion of a caste census, their star campaigner resorted to false narratives.  

Source: Quint Hindi

The ruling party does not stop at anything and any claim they make about the Congress manifesto is fake. In a recent interview with the editors of News18, PM Modi blamed the media for ignoring such daunting details of the Congress manifesto. The groomed media persons humbly accepted their critique and did not clap back with a factual intervention.

Nowhere in the Congress manifesto does it say that the wealth would be redistributed by raiding the houses and ornaments would be looted. When policy changes are met with such ignorance, the political debate gives rise to petty debate over non-existent issues. 

In a milieu where employment and education must be discussed, false narratives are advertised and society loses the plot. Moreover, the mention of the mangal sutra and kitchen utensils is a way to give the social issue a gendered touch.

The gendered debate

PM Modi says, ‘This X-Ray is nothing but raiding every home…They will raid the ornaments of every women. Our constitution protects the property of all minorities. This means that when Congress talks of redistribution, it cannot touch the properties of minorities, it cannot consider waqf properties of other communities.’

The debate has interestingly taken a gendered spin. Mangal sutra and women’s ornaments are used to instil a sense of urgency in men and the assertion of patriarchy.

The debate has interestingly taken a gendered spin. Mangal sutra and women’s ornaments are used to instil a sense of urgency in men and the assertion of patriarchy. Women would be alarmed because the “other” community is coming for their gold and husbands and men would be doused in their manliness, angered at the thought of someone stealing the mangal sutra of their wives.

Source: Scroll

The idea that a mangal sutra is the “representation of a Hindu married woman”, has been carefully circulated and instilled in the conversation so that patriarchs drunk on the strength of their Hindutva masculinity forget to question the injustice they are subjected to.

While the claims of redistribution of wealth are baseless and false, their mention shows the face of a scared leader. A politician who cannot fight the elections on the merit of his achievements and his addressal of important social issues relies on false and biased narratives to build a society of hate, dishonesty, and hierarchical poverty.

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