FII Inside News Meet Mrudavi– FII’s Featured Writer Of July 2024

Meet Mrudavi– FII’s Featured Writer Of July 2024

FII would not exist if not for the passionate and loyal feminist writers' community that we have steadily been building over the years. This July, we feature Mrudavi.

We have been featuring the best writers from our writers’ community for their committed contribution to FII, making it what it is today. FII would not exist if not for the passionate and loyal feminist writers’ community that we have steadily been building over the last few years. This July, we feature Mrudavi.

Forget textbooks, Mrudavi got hooked on writing through her childhood obsession with fiction novels. Now, she tells engaging stories that address real-world topics with a touch of her experiences. When the writing bug takes a break, Mrudavi can be found curled up with a good book or with her favourite people, fueling her imagination with endless cups of iced lattes. Some of her popular articles include 

‘Chandu Champion’: A Sports Biopic That Shines Bright, Empowering Through Maintenance: Supreme Court Defends Homemakers’ Financial Rights and Increased Representation Of Women In The Workforce But Gaps Remain, LinkedIn Report Says among others.

FII: Tell us a little about yourself and what you do

I grew up reading books whenever I could, wherever I could, and my love for great stories led me to be a writer. After graduating as an architect, I knew my passion was writing and made a big career leap into it. Wanting to monetise my writing skills, I learnt digital marketing and SEO, which is what I do now, full-time. I help businesses and professionals with a meaningful vision to grow online via digital marketing as a freelancer.

I was raised in Nagpur in a joint family, surrounded by relatives who run various large-scale businesses. It nurtured the strong-willed businesswoman in me, and that’s where I constantly get my courage from.

FIi: How did you become a part of the FII writer family?

During the 2020 COVID lockdown, I was struggling to fight against my orthodox family when they were trying to get me married forcefully. I felt very alone in that journey, and while looking for resources online, I came across FII. The support I felt when I found help through stories of other strong women on Feminism in India was enough to make me reclaim my power. Sharing my struggle story on FII for other women in positions similar to mine was one of the bold steps I took to be truly independent today. That’s how I became a part of the FII writer family.

FII: How and when did you become a feminist?

I believe I have always been a feminist. I just didn’t have a word for it as a young girl. It was because I saw the women in my family suffer daily in their unhappy marriages and the men struggle with their emotions, which affected everything and everyone around me. Something needed to change at a core level to shift the dynamics positively at home. When I found “feminism”, I just knew, this was it.

FII: Which issues within feminism are close to your heart?

I deeply care about women’s well-being and safety from issues stemming from patriarchy, like domestic violence and a lack of freedom to be themselves.

FII: What is your favourite piece on this site that you have written, and your favourite piece on this site that you have read? Why did they strike you?

My favourite piece that I have written will always be my first article with FII, My Battle Against Family, Caste Hierarchy & Forced Arranged Marriages. It played a huge role in validating my courageous steps against my family, which empowered me to stand on my own and build the life I want for myself. It will always be a milestone article in my life.

My favourite article on FII is Frida Kahlo And The Art Of Personal Rebellion. It feels so personal to me as an artist and a writer who expresses herself through these creative media.  Mariyam Usmani has beautifully explored the feminist themes in Frida’s work, and it’s an absolute inspiration.

FII: What do you like to do when not writing about gender and social justice?

I love creating art, spending time with my favourite people, and exploring great food in the city when I’m not writing.

FII: What do you like about FII and our work? What more would you like to see from us?

FII has grown so much since the first time I came across it. I really like the intersectionality aspect in every piece published, no matter what the topic is or who has written it. FII makes sure to put forth powerful ideas and stories that truly resonate. I would like to see more of exactly what you have been doing.

FII thanks Mrudavi for her timely and valuable contributions. We are incredibly grateful to have Mrudavi as a part of our writers’ community and appreciate her for her deeply informative writing.

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