IntersectionalityViolence My Mother Followed The Due Process And 5 Years Later, She Is Still Awaiting Justice

My Mother Followed The Due Process And 5 Years Later, She Is Still Awaiting Justice

She spoke against injustice and continued to fight for her cause for over 5 long years, followed the due process and she always believed. Today she is sad and disappointed.

Posted by True Indian Optimist

Trigger warning: Abuse, Trauma

Through this article, I wish to narrate the story of the injustice that my mother has suffered. This article also highlights women’s struggle in pursuit of justice and equality but to no avail and their stories are never written or heard. Their voices don’t echo in the media and their pleas against injustice go unanswered. This article amplifies the voice of one such woman.

My mother was married in 1989 and then she came to Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She was widowed in December of 2012.

Throughout her married life she has suffered almost all kinds of abuse that many women in this society often have to suffer. She kept believing that someday things will get better and also worked hard to independently raise her two children. She is a very hardworking woman and worked from time to time to make sure her children get good education and grow to be decent men. However, when the abuse got too much to take, she went to court and filed two cases against her in-laws. She has been involved in those two cases for over 5 but the struggle has been very taxing and to no avail so far. One of those cases was A domestic violence case and the other was 498 case.

Throughout her married life she has suffered almost all kinds of abuse that many women in this society often have to suffer.

Today there is a lot of talk about equality and justice. The struggle a woman must go through will discourage most women from coming forward at all. Is there anywhere else to go? Is there another door to knock? I have seen my mother struggle for 5 long years as she tried to prove the injustice done to her. I have seen her being hopeful even when everything seemed to be going against her. But she kept striding forward.

Also read: An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me In My Own Home

Today she is very disappointed and heartbroken. All her struggle and pleas seem to account for nothing and one more innocent woman will have to live with injustice. I am sure many women in this country have suffered similar injustice. And none of us will ever know their story. Some women accept things as they are. Some grow used to suffering injustice. Some even go to extreme measures, as living with injustice becomes too much of a burden to bear.

What my mother did was a bold thing to do. She spoke against injustice and continued to fight for her cause for over 5 long years and she always believed. Today she is sad and disappointed. She worked hard for her children and her family. She took a stand against injustice as all women should. But what now ?

My mother has suffered for a very long time, for 27 years in her marriage and then for over 5 years with the law and the courts.

There was a time when I believed that women should not tolerate any kind of abuse and must always speak up against it. They should never be subdued and must fight for equal rights and justice. But now, I am not so sure. I have seen my mother fight for justice but the struggle never seems to end. Unfortunately, accepting injustice seems to be the easier choice. This should not be the standard that we should expect women to live by.

But I can not bear to watch my mother sad and disappointed, as no son can. My mother has worked very hard to raise her children and now I am forced to stand and watch as she suffers injustice.  I will do whatever I can to help her voice get heard.

Also read: The Trauma Of Growing Up Amidst Domestic Abuse

My mother has suffered for a very long time, for 27 years in her marriage and then for over 5 years with the law and the courts. All I seek for her is justice.

The author works in Bangalore as an Engineer. He believes in raising awareness about social issues and strives to bring people from all backgrounds into the conversations that our country needs to have to keep moving forward. You can follow him on Twitter.

Featured Image Source: Fiveprime

About the author(s)

Guest Writers are writers who occasionally write on FII.

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