There is a growing concern for the flagrant sexism and misogyny in the legal field in India. Unwanted brushes by male lawyers in corridors, the inherent patriarchal language in courtrooms, having cases by male colleagues heard first, sexual harassment by superiors are a few amongst the other major concerns for female lawyers and legal professionals.
There are several demotivating circumstances that continue to hinder the growth of women in this profession. Yet, numerous exceptional women have unapologetically fought the systemic oppression and made a deep-rooted impact in the domain of the legal field. One such remarkable a woman is Indira Jaising, who has fought public cases like the Bhopal gas tragedy, #Section 377 and drafted India’s first domestic violence act that empowered thousands of abuse survivors in the country.
We are taking a moment to credit all the prodigious women who were the first women to assume the leadership position and carry out their duties in the legal field with remarkable dignity and significance.

Also read: Are Women Law Up-holders Truly Safe In Our Country?
We are still at a stage where we are celebrating firsts because the idea of equal representation is a distant dream. But with such legendary and pragmatic women leading the way, we feel empowered to keep fighting.
Also see: 6 Women Senior Advocates Who Have Been Appointed In The Supreme Court
Their contribution in our country, even though has been overshadowed by male representation, has been very important to shape the politics of India. These, along with their successive female lawyers, continue to fight the glass ceilings in such domains of male dominance and hegemony.
Featured Image Source: The Atlantic
About the author(s)
Meghna, who goes by the name plebwrites, enjoys discussing literature, gender politics, sexuality, and mental health. As a journalist, she thrives on documenting people and culture stories and uses poetry as her cathartic getaway. She's been a featured artist with Kommune, Unerase poetry and her work has been published in Ethos Literary Journal, Scroll, Homegrown, Wire and Sunday Guardian. Meghna has published a book of poems on mental health alongside six other distinguished poets called 7 Transgressions, available on Amazon and in print.