FII Inside News Devika Dinesh: FII’s Digital Editor & An Art And Culture Enthusiast | #MeetTheFIITeam

Devika Dinesh: FII’s Digital Editor & An Art And Culture Enthusiast | #MeetTheFIITeam

Devika is the Digital Editor at FII who is for all things culture and social justice

As part of FII’s Meet the Team series, we are featuring former and current employees who have worked with or are working with us currently since the inception of FII. Feminism in India as a digital intersectional feminist media platform would not exist if not for these incredible individuals who have helped build this organisation to make what it is today.

Today, we’re chatting with Devika Dinesh who is the Digital Editor at FII. She is a postgraduate in Media and Cultural Studies from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, and is always trying to explore ways to create ideas that will make tangible differences in society.

FII: What do you like most about being a part of the FII family?

Devika: FII for me, is all about the community. Being an intersectional feminist space, it is a joy to work with people who are driven and at the same time giving. As I believe in the motto of the organisation, I feel more satisfied to know that I am working for a cause beyond and bigger than myself.


FII: What advice would you give someone joining the organisation?

Devika: I would advise them to utilise all the resources to the best of their abilities and learn as much as they can in the organisation, to devour all the knowledge and experiences that FII has to offer. 

FII: How would your colleagues describe you?

Devika: I hope they see me as someone who genuinely tries to do her best and as a compassionate person. Because I truly believe that, beyond work, how you make other people matter the most. 

FII: Which fictional character do you identify with and why?

Devika: I do resonate with a few qualities of Hermione Granger. I have always been someone who believed in emotional independence. So a characteristic that I have cultivated over the years is to always be there for myself. When I used to see Hermione when I was a kid, I admired how she was almost on her own in almost all situations. And she had a solution for everything anywhere. I always aspired to be someone like that. And I hope in that journey, I acquired a few of her qualities. 

FII: What is something that you’re tired of hearing?

Devika: I am tired of hearing how one must toughen up to survive this unfair world. Yes, we all know that the world was, is, or will ever be fair to everyone. But I truly believe that we must choose to be kind nevertheless. We shouldn’t let the world make us ugly. Only kindness helps. Kindness is strength.

FII: Which feminist movement do you feel particularly passionate about and why?

Devika: The #MeToo movement has been crucial for everyone across the world. Especially for women, who earlier felt helpless and weak. It gave voice to the voiceless. I think that the movement showed us the actual reality of women’s safety and how other factors like equal pay matter. I think it brought about an absolute and much-needed cleanse in our society.

FII: What makes FII a ‘feminist’ organisation?

Devika: We at FII, make sure that we approach everything from an intersectional lens. This makes sure that no one is excluded and that everyone’s problems are addressed, also creates a safe and inclusive work environment. 

FII: What’s the most fun thing about your job?

Devika: Every day is a learning experience at my job. No day passes where I feel like I have learned enough. It makes you more thirsty for more each day. As the Digital Editor, I also get to creatively present the ideas to most effectively communicate them to the audience. As trends, culture, and ideas evolve, I have no choice but to keep up with them, which for me, is exciting. 

FII: Do you remember when and why you decided to work at a feminist organisation?

Devika: I always believe in supporting causes that are bigger than me, the things that have a bigger purpose. After I left my past work, I decided that I would only be working at a place that is concerned about the real problems that lie out there. 

FII: If you had a talk show, which feminist icon would you call and what would you ask them?

Devika:  If I had a talk show, I would love to call Konkana Sen Sharma, as I have always been her fan, not just in her acting but also in her direction. I love how she shows her vulnerabilities and self-doubts and shows that being sensitive is okay. And that we do not need to fit into the conventional template of a “confident” person. She made me feel that being vulnerable and sensitive are also strengths. I feel like I do resonate with her and we might have a thoughtful conversation.

FII thanks Devika for her timely and valuable contribution to the organisation. We are incredibly grateful to have her as a part of our team and appreciate her for her deeply insightful work. She can be followed on Instagram.

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