SocietyEnvironment In Posters: Why The Draft EIA Notification, 2020 Must Be Withdrawn

In Posters: Why The Draft EIA Notification, 2020 Must Be Withdrawn

In this series, we take a look at the new draft Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2020, its impact on vulnerable communities and environmental degradation, and why it must be withdrawn.

The draft of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2020 was put out by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in March earlier this year. The new draft EIA notification, arriving in the midst of a global pandemic, only gave the public the option to share their comments by June 30. While the deadline now stands extended to August 11, the demands and petitions to withdraw the EIA notification 2020 continue to pick up steam. From making it easier for industrial projects to evade environmental clearances to doing away with public hearings with the indigenous and local population to encouraging non-transparency, the draft EIA 2020 dilutes several environmental regulations necessary for protecting the environment.

1. What is the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification?

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a significant tool used by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) to minimise the adverse impact of industrialisation on the environment. It lays down the environmental clearance processes that a project has to go through before it is given the green light. This involves a thorough screening process by authorities and experts. An EIA is extremely important to minimise the risk of oil spills, gas leaks, and release of other industrial toxins into the environment.

Also read: Need, Not Greed – What Modi Isn’t Telling Us About Climate Change

2. What’s the Problem With the New Draft?

In the new draft of the EIA, several amendments have eased processes for industries to set up projects that could potentially have negative social and environmental impacts.

The draft EIA 2020 dilutes public consultations that is required by a project to be greenlighted and reduces the time period for local people to submit their objections. Due to this, vulnerable communities like tribal people, villagers, fisher communities etc., would be further excluded from the decision-making process of projects that could directly affect their lives. The EIA notification 2006 allowed only six major project types to be spared from holding public hearings. But the new 2020 draft adds around 14 new items to the list. Now, projects like construction of waste treatment facilities and expansion of national highways would be free from holding public hearings.

3. What Can You Do?

After the MoEFCC released the draft EIA 2020 in March earlier this year, there were several protests and petitions filed against the new draft. The last date for public comments was preponed from August 10 to June 30, but Delhi High Court has extended the deadline for public feedback on the draft EIA notification 2020 to August 11.

Therefore, you can:

  • Sign petitions opposing the draft EIA 2020. Several petitions calling for the withdrawal of the EIA notification, 2020 can be found online.
  • Read and share news, opinion pieces by environmentalist groups and activists that highlight why we must oppose the new draft EIA notification.

Also read: Here Are 5 Recent Environmental Movements You Need To Know

About the author(s)

Feminism In India is an award-winning digital intersectional feminist media organisation to learn, educate and develop a feminist sensibility and unravel the F-word among the youth in India.


  1. Juhi wadhwa says:

    Whether validity of EC extended from 30/06/2020?

  2. Silviya says:


  3. Girija A says:


  4. Gans says:

    This act is equal to kill our future generations
    So we no need this kind of acts

  5. Let's Know How says:

    How dare you government do this… You want to grow india or finished off

  6. Prince says:

    What is this foolish thing

  7. Vadivel says:

    No, product environment acricalture on tree’s, this plan u consider futcher…

  8. DAYANANTH says:

    Don’t do this please ????

  9. Rajesh kannan says:

    I am unspport of EIA 2020draft.. this not future,

  10. A Common Men says:


  11. Vigneshwaran says:

    I oppose the EIA 2020 draft

  12. Nivedhitha Nas says:

    This is totally a stupid concept . Withdraw eia2020

  13. Nivedhitha Nas says:

    This totally stupid

  14. Jayaprakash says:

    Don’t do this act

  15. Selva says:

    Pls Stop this act ,natural is important, it’s a God gifted on all humans ???

  16. Nirmalraj says:

    I’am not support EIA 2020 please Banned

  17. Tamilking says:

    Future is gone…..?

  18. Sathi h says:


  19. Rahul says:

    Craziest think ..
    Do not do this….


    நீங்கள் சமூக வளர்ச்சி பாதை அமைக்க தமிழ்நாட்டை சுடுகாடு மாற்ற வேண்டும் இது சுந்திரா நாடு தயவு செய்து இதை தவிர்க்க வேண்டுகிறேன்

  21. Srisha says:

    Nooo don’t approve eia 2020

  22. Mohan says:

    I am unspport of EIA 2020draft

    place change draft

  23. Logeswari says:

    Don’t approve eia 2020

  24. Nandha says:

    This is not good for the citizens, a govt cannot rule without the support of citizens.

  25. Steven says:

    We going to die soonly because of EIA2020 Draf, so totally apposed EIA

  26. Sanjeevi says:

    Description EIA2020

  27. Albin says:

    I do not support they are selling our India in the of development

  28. Manimekalai says:

    Am not support this… pls save our nation… live and let live?????????????????????????????????

  29. M. P. Sivaraman says:


  30. Mariselvam says:

    For one drop honey you are giving one bottle honey to nature we didn’t ask those dangerously factory you trying to kill our future generations

  31. Ajith says:

    i dont support

  32. Chakaravarthy says:

    We don’t need anymore dangerous factories in India.. Don’t kill the nature

  33. Hemamalini says:

    We are not the last generation in this world,,.. Pls give some resources and nature to coming generations… Also making alot of money to death is not fair..

  34. Roaring lion says:

    I never ever support this EIA 2020 draft

  35. Vignesh says:

    Don’t sell country for money then u will no more for that luxurious life

  36. Baskar says:

    Stop EIA2020

  37. Saravanan says:

    I never support the EIA 2020 draft

  38. siva says:

    I oppose the EIA 2020 draft. We doesn’t need these kind of act it kills our future generation.Now we buy water which is packed in bottle. Our future generation might buy air from those companies sells in bottle save INDIA stop EIA 2020.

  39. Shyam Ashwin says:

    I will not support for this project EIA 2020

  40. Dhinesh says:

    I am not support this

  41. Dhinesh says:

    No support this eia 2020 draft

  42. Dinesh says:

    No support this eia 2020

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