Personal Essays Navigating Tradition, Gender Roles And Social Norms of Femininity While Being A Feminist

Navigating Tradition, Gender Roles And Social Norms of Femininity While Being A Feminist

"Amid my advocacy, I find myself struggling with guilty pleasures that seem at odds with my evolving feminist identity," writes the author.
» Editors Note: Being Feminist is a fortnightly column that features personal narratives documenting the emotions, vulnerabilities and innermost contradictions every feminist encounters while trying to push through various degrees of patriarchy in private, professional and public spaces.

Entangled in a complex web of contradictions, I find myself grappling with the intricacies of personal identity and the influence of societal conditioning.

In a world plagued by inequality, injustice, and discrimination, embracing feminism is not merely a matter of personal preference, but rather a crucial step towards creating a more equitable and just world. However, acknowledging one’s feminist beliefs can sometimes be a complex matter, particularly when there are inconsistencies between one’s actions and beliefs. 

As I delve into the depths of introspection, I am faced with the contradictions within my sense of self, grappling with the clash between my ideals and my desires. Here I want to state the obvious: I do not identify as a feminist in the conventional sense.

By contrast, I am actively working to comprehend and embrace feminist ideals. At the core of my ever-evolving feminist beliefs is a deep-rooted conviction in the importance of equality, irrespective of gender. I strongly support the empowerment of women, the dismantling of patriarchal structures, and the challenging of societal norms that perpetuate gender biases. Yet, amid my advocacy, I find myself struggling with guilty pleasures that seem at odds with my evolving feminist identity. 

I have frequently found myself yielding to the demands of a system that aims to shape, restrict, and manipulate, whether it be conforming to traditional gender roles or internalising societal expectations of femininity.

Within the complex maze of my exploration into feminism, I have encountered a dark corner where traditional patriarchal expectations loom, imposing their rules without allowing for individual agency. It is a space where conflicting societal expectations collide with personal freedom, where the burden of tradition looms over the expression of opposing views. Caught in a web of contradictions, I am entangled, wrestling with the intricacies of my own identity and the subtle impact of societal conditioning.

I must admit, I have fallen prey to the inescapable influence of patriarchal norms. I have frequently found myself yielding to the demands of a system that aims to shape, restrict, and manipulate, whether it be conforming to traditional gender roles or internalising societal expectations of femininity. It is a humbling realisation that compels me to confront the unintended ways I have contributed to the systems of oppression I aim to dismantle.

The image shows women, despite feminist ideals are engulfed in gender roles

The expectation for women to prioritise the needs and desires of others above their own is an insidious manifestation of patriarchal norms. Throughout my life, I have learned to prioritise the comfort and happiness of others, often at the expense of my well-being. This societal expectation has shaped me to be nurturing, selfless, and accommodating. It is a weight that I carry, a constant reminder of the limitations placed on me by society’s narrow view of what it means to be a woman.

Furthermore, the path I have taken towards embracing feminism has been filled with many other obstacles. I have come to acknowledge that I am not impervious to the effects of internalised sexism or unconscious biases. It is a thought-provoking realisation that demands ongoing self-reflection and a readiness to confront difficult realities. As I reflect on my experiences, I am reminded of the value of humility, recognising my limitations, and actively striving to let go of harmful beliefs and behaviours.

At times, I find myself hesitating to directly address certain behaviours, whether it is a casual joke that crosses the line or a subtle instance of mansplaining. When confronted with instances of sexism and misogyny, my failure to address them directly implies my acceptance of such behaviour. However, I am discovering that remaining silent does not mean being complicit.

Another aspect of my identity that stands in contrast to my evolving feminist identity is my occasional reluctance to address instances of sexism and misogyny in social settings. At times, I find myself hesitating to directly address certain behaviours, whether it is a casual joke that crosses the line or a subtle instance of mansplaining. When confronted with instances of sexism and misogyny, my failure to address them directly implies my acceptance of such behaviour. However, I am discovering that remaining silent does not mean being complicit.

The image shows patriarchy in color , a structure feminists want to dismantle

One particular indulgence I have is my fondness for certain forms of media that frequently reinforce damaging stereotypes and objectify women. While reflecting on the content I consume, I cannot help but notice the contradictions that exist within it. From binge-watching television shows that often portray female characters in a shallow way; to enjoying music that contains misogynistic lyrics, I am keenly aware of these conflicting elements. It is an intriguing indulgence, a paradox to my feminist convictions, yet one that I find difficult to completely let go of. 

Besides, I have frequently encountered the challenging realm of beauty standards and societal pressures surrounding body image. These standards, which are both unattainable and rooted in patriarchal beliefs, have had a profound impact on how individuals perceive their worth and value. As I reflect on the societal pressures to conform to narrow beauty standards and the constant scrutiny of my appearance, I cannot help but notice how patriarchal norms attempt to control and dictate women’s bodies, imposing arbitrary expectations of what is deemed acceptable and desirable.

However, guilty pleasures can be quite intricate. They reside within the murky depths of our consciousness, where conflicting desires clash. Engaging with media that goes against my feminist values does not mean I support its problematic themes. Instead, it serves as a thoughtful exploration of the intricacies of human behaviour, highlighting the capacity to derive pleasure from something while also offering a critical perspective.

Within the realm of these contradictions lies the core of my exploration of feminism—a voyage characterised by personal development, self-exploration, and the realisation of my power and independence. I do not consider myself a flawless feminist, and I do not pretend to be one. However, despite my imperfections, I possess a strong sense of resilience. This resilience allows me to confront my contradictions, question the oppressive systems that exist in our society, and work towards creating a fair and equal world for everyone. 

non-feminist beauty standards

As I reflect on my journey and grapple with the conflicting aspects of my identity, I am struck by the profound impact that collective action can have. It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength found in unity, support, and a sense of belonging. Through collective struggle, we can work towards dismantling the systems of oppression that aim to divide and conquer us. 

So, what makes me embrace feminism? I am determined to break free from the constraints imposed by societal expectations. As an introspective reflection for a newspaper, I am determined to break free from the confines of societal expectations and live life on my terms. Feminism, at its core, represents a powerful act of defiance against the societal constraints that seek to confine us. It is a call to arms, a rallying cry for liberation and empowerment, a declaration of our inherent worth and dignity as human beings. Despite the contradictions and challenges I face, I believe that embarking on this journey is essential. It is a path that leads to liberation, empowerment, and the pursuit of equality for everyone.

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