Aaron D'souza says:
March 29, 2020 at 11:32 PM

He had written a post about feminism too, wherein, he address exactly what you felt so strongly about. He states that most feminist nowadays, are quite bigoted and simply fail to respect or even tolerate any opinion that differs from their own. He also goes on to say that most feminists nowadays are more concerned with frail and fleeting stuff like, how a particular thing made a woman feel or whatever else. You feeling so strongly about him writing about Jennifer Aniston’s tits, merely proves his point. He probably wrote it without giving it much consideration, had he been a female, maybe he would have written about “The Rock’s” abs or balls or whatever. However, I doubt any male would be offended by that statement of his and write an entire article groaning about it. Just because you are offended doesn’t mean you are right. And if you have read the book, I hope you understand that your feelings probably aren’t worth giving a fuck about either. If you truly want to fight for a noble cause, fight actual rights of women, and other issues like women getting sexually harassed and stuff. Not something as miniscule and petty as objectifying a beautiful actress with a sweet pair of racks(tits). He just picked a random women to use as an example to get his point across to his readers, she happened to be Jennifer Aniston, becuase, let’s face it, her tits are particularly mesmerising. He hasn’t ridiculed or mocked women in general. He just likes Jennifer Aniston’s tits, as I’m sure many straight man would. Get over it!

  • Steve says:

    I’m late to the party, but I will say I agree with this article. I found those same sentences jarring too. I don’t think Manson consciously meant offense, but to me it revealed a deep unconscious bias we have in society toward women, and hurts in a way that it can’t hurt for men, because they haven’t been oppressed in the same way. Manson also tells in the book of a period in his life when he was “a player” and to me that reveals something about him. Not every man is a player and it takes a certain mindset to be that way, a mindset based on beliefs that don’t go away simply because you get married and/or settle down.

  • Marginalizia says:

    @Aaron De’suziki or whatever, I have patents. Women got patent rights in 1845, when did men get patent rights? I can’t remember. Can you Google for me? I don’t know computer. 1980s women were not allowed to be raped in marriage, Wow. Can you tell me when did men get that right? I don’t know about graphical user interfaces, please navigate it for me, I only was able to grok the terminal since it’s so simple, it’s one color, and only I change that color. Easier on my brain. Also, when did women allow you to own property? Feminazis. I’m here for you though now. But you have to tell me more about yourself. When did you have your movement for not being considered property due to the lack of a nomadic lifestyle placing land, women of any color and people of a certain color one and the same to maintain the new emerging concept of human ownership? I sympathize greatly with you and your plight. So please let me know your human – or alien – history here. Looks like you are having a tough time. I’ll be waiting here for a few years to see what you say. With the greatest love, Marginalizia

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