FII Inside News FII Wins 4 Laadli Media Awards For Gender Sensitivity 2024

FII Wins 4 Laadli Media Awards For Gender Sensitivity 2024

FII's team won multiple Laadli Media Awards for Gender Sensitivity 2024 for our feminist articles on gender issues.

FII has earned yet more accolades for its intersectional feminist media stories. This time, it is the Laadli Media and Advertising Award for Gender Sensitivity 2024, won by our Hindi team.

The Laadli Awards, co-oragnised by Population First and UNFPA now in their 14th edition, were announced at an event in Thane, Maharashtra on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.

1. FII’s Assistant Editor (Hindi) Pooja Rathi has won the Laadli Media & Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity 2024, in the “Web – News Report” Hindi for her story भारतीय अभिनेत्रियों के वायरल डीपफेक वीडियो, तकनीक के ज़रिये लैंगिक हिंसा का एक नया तरीका.

2. Pooja Rathi has also received the Jury Appreciation Citation in the Web – Blog category for Hindi language for her story महिलाएं कितने घंटे सोएंगी, कैसे पितृसत्ता करती है यह तय.

3. FII’s Staff Writer Varsha Prakash has won the Laadli Media & Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity 2024, in the “Web Article Category” Hindi for her story अंतर्जातीय प्रेम संबंधों में जातिवाद से गुज़रती दलित युवतियों के अनुभव.

4. FII’s Staff Writer Aishwarya AV Raj has won the Laadli Media & Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity 2024 in the Web Feature Category for Hindi for her story ‘नारीवादी ज्ञान मीमांसा के संदर्भ और भारतीय मीडिया: एक नज़र थ्योरी और अनुभवों को साथ रखते हुए‘.

This is the seventh time that FII has won this award. We received the Laadli Media Award for Gender Sensitivity in 20232022, 202120202018, and 2015.

Producing such valuable feminist media content, and consistently, is an expensive affair. We are an independent platform and rely on donations to fund our stories, campaigns, videos, and podcasts. Help us do critical intersectional feminist work and pay to keep FII paywall-free and independent by donating today.

About the author(s)

Feminism In India is an award-winning digital intersectional feminist media organisation to learn, educate and develop a feminist sensibility and unravel the F-word among the youth in India.

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