FII Inside News FII Year In Review: 2020

FII Year In Review: 2020

2020 has been difficult, tumultuous, and challenging in several aspects. As the year draws to an end, it is important to reflect. on the wins we could celebrate when all hope seemed to dwindle

2020 has been difficult, tumultuous, and challenging in several aspects. As the year draws to an end, it is important to reflect on the wins we could celebrate when all hope seemed to dwindle, and begin 2021 with a renewed sense of pride!

Below is an infographic and a short note on FII’s 2020 in review.

We started the year with our continued coverage of the anti-CAA and NRC protests across the country, and talked about instances of police brutality on college campuses. Understanding the importance of unlearning and relearning, this year we introduced our community to our #FIIUnlearns series, where we dissect ideas—whether internalised due to years of oppression, or whether something we refuse to let go—that we need to unlearn. Similarly, for us to make everyday feminism more accessible, we brought in the #FIIExplains series, a space where we deal with foundational concepts and ideologies associated with feminism and break them down in an accessible manner.

Campaigns and Collaborations

In the beginning of the year, FII held a contest through which we crowdsourced illustrations of women with agency, resisting gender-based violence. Recognising that most platforms used pictures depicting women in a victim’s light, without putting onus on the perpetrator, FII made these new empowering images open access, and several platforms followed our footsteps and used them in their reportage.

FII Founder-CEO and Campaign Manager, Japleen Pasricha and Asmita Ghosh, visited Geneva for a collaboration with World YWCA. Through this collaboration, FII produced a thoroughly researched #MyBodyMyMind toolkit which serves as a guide to young women for sexual and reproductive health rights and mental health.

In March, FII partnered with Partners for Law in Development (PLD) to work on a campaign called #AdolescentSexuality. Based on the research reports written by PLD, our poster series aimed to make these findings accessible and concise so that a wider audience can understand the magnitude of the problem that is the criminalisation of adolescent sexuality by the state. This campaign covered several topics from consent, sexual expression, adolescents’ agency, sexual abuse, underage marriages, and laws which, although aiming for protection of young people, can often be counterproductive.

While we may have been forced to stay at home due to the pandemic, FII was thankful to have the opportunity to collaborate with organisations working on important rights-based issues and to amplify their work. This past year, we collaborated with

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